These diagrams are for a 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, and 1998 Ford Mustang. They show the fuse locations, sizes, and descriptions.
1994 Ford Mustang – V6 & V8 -Underhood Fuse Panel Diagram
1994 Mustang – V6 & V8 – Underdash Fuse/Relay Diagram
1994 & 1995 Mustang CCRM to PCM Wiring Diagram
CCRM to PCM Wiring Diagram for 94-95 Mustang
1994 to 1998 Mustang AC Vacuum Controls Diagram

Mustang AC vacuum diagram from engine compartment to control assembly to heater core to instrument panel.
1994 & 1995 Mustang Vacuum Block Diagram Routing
94-95 5.0 Motor vacuum diagram and routing
1994 & 1995 Mustang Engine Control Diagram

1994 Mustang Engine Control
1997 & 1998 Ford Mustang – V6 & V8 – Under dash Fuse Box Diagram